Можно и дальше..

Вестись, покупать, записываться на всё, что "уберёт морщины" (крема, массажёры, марафоны, процедуры);

Блуждать по YouTube и тыкаться-мыкаться-мучаться со странными упражнениями

You can buy a course, or half a jar of "La Mer" cream, which won't lift the cheekbones or eyelids, won't make the jawline any more sharp and won't be able to advice on which massager to get and which would just waste your time and money.

You can buy a dress, or this knowledge which throughout the whole life will let you make the best choices when buying new creams, choosing gadgets, booking treatments, etc.
Buy cheap cream for £5 or "La Mer" for £100
Take collagen powder for £30-£80 a month
Wander around YouTube and try 20 exercises for the eyes, 20 on nasolabial folds and 40 on forehead.

Или купить несколько курсов по "омоложению" и ежедневно заставлять себя делать эти странные упражнения
Buy a few gadgets / massagers for £20-£200
Решиться на процедуру, но.. Какую? Мезотерапию? PRP? Или все-таки какой-нибудь аппарат? За 20к или 120к?
Или просто наблюдать, как с каждым годом, например, носогубки, становятся все тяжелее.
about face you'll need
Another "face rejuvenation" course
"Wrinkles & Puffiness" School
~30 exercises
(of a questionable effectiveness)
We will go through and analyse ALL popular methods (gua sha, vacuum cups, facebuilding, taping, etc.). So there is no more need to buy and try them separately which will save a lot of time and money
A collection of 3 the MOST EFFECTIVE moves for each area / wrinkle
1 universal scheme for an effective massage that could be done with ANY tool
RESULTS after the 1st module:
you always know which 2 moves to do on nasolabial folds / jawline / eyelids, etc., in order to SEE the result RIGHT after the massage even if you have no more than 60 seconds
educational FAIRY TALES; having these stories in mind you'll always be able to pick yourself the best cream, gadget, treatment, etc.
1 evening and you know exactly which of the popular treatments (injections, machines) are able to give you a desired result and which are not.
You just won't need any other "facial" course ❤
on this course there is a great chance
WITHOUT GIVING UP in a couple of days or weeks :)
And this is possible when:
it takes no more than 1-2 minutes (or even 20 seconds when we are especially busy or lazy - that's quicker than brushing teeth!)
when the move is so simple that could be done in the bed, in the shower or while watching a movie
when you are 100% sure you are doing the MOST effective move of all (so that the effort is 100% worth it)
when you can actually SEE the result AND right after each and EVERY massage you do
Thus.. In order not to give up, massage has to be the simplest, quickest and give an IMMEDIATE and NOTICEABLE result

Yes, 20-60 second are enough for a VISIBLE result

We just need to know exactly which moves to do

Because the rest won't do a thing even after 20 minutes

None of us have time or desire to try and do hundreds of exercises + we feel too "lazy" for that.

But the main reason why we are "LAZY" is that we DON'T actually see the result.
RESULT depends on WHICH move we choose (and not on how many or for how long we do them)
There are literally just 1-2-3 EFFECTIVE moves for each area/wrinkle, which are able to make a noticeable difference in a matter of 20-60 seconds.
So, if there aren't 100, but just 1-2-3 effective moves, then:
even if you only have 20 seconds, you know EXACTLY which move to do to make a difference (no need to wait until you have time for a "full" massage)
or whenever you need to, for example, make your eyes look more open and wide (to get rid of morning puffiness or to get ready for a date) - you aren't lost in 100 of exercises, you know exactly which move is going to give you a NOTICEABLE result
It's like a Magic Wand :)

It took me 10+ years of practice (together with clients) to create this little COLLECTION of the MOST effective moves

And now you have an access to it, too ❤

It's a DELUSION to think:

* that creams are able to smooth out the lines

* that injections and machines are able to reduce wrinkles and puffiness

* that all facial exercises are equally effective

* that the more complicated exercises are done the better the result

* that 20 minutes of face building exercises a day could smooth out the lines. No.

We will go through ~600 exercises to see why only ~12 of them are effective
Записаться на курс
Все виды массажа
Все виды массажеров
Самые эффективные и самые бесполезные техники и инструменты
научу делать массаж хоть апельсином, хоть графином
All types of massages
All types of massage tools
The most and least effective
techniques and massagers
Если завтра появится "сыворотка HR7", которая способна разгладить морщины..
.. большинство поверит.
А если скажу, что у клубники и картошки одинаковый вкус?
Тут ясно- бред! Почему? Потому что мы знаем вкус фруктов и овощей. А анатомию нет. А пока это так- кто угодно может убедить
нас в чем угодно.

Хотите так же просто различать бред в рекламе?
Лишней, нудной информации (про морфотипы старения, классификацию типов кожи и т.д.);
Базовых, общеизвестных фактов (что мол "нужно пить больше воды" и скучных "лекций" про то, что "нужно пить воду, правильно питаться и защищаться от солнца"
еще работать с диафрагмой и стопами (а то иначе, мол, "ничего не сработает").
Не будет разговоров "на сложном языке", например, про составы из 100500 ингредиентов (со всякими пропиленгликолями, PEG-100, демитиконами, токоферолами и тд.).
30 приемов на веки, 40 упражнений для носогубок, 20 движений на лоб и 100500 трюков для шеи и плечь
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