(5 lessons, 15 mins)
You could also pinch, knead the tissues (from bottom to top or top to bottom or from the center to the side). Just make sure you do good, deep pinches and rubs, they shouldn't be too light and superficial.

We are going to massage all the area between jaw and clavicle, except the central part of the neck (where the thyroid gland is).

1. Massage the side of your neck with knuckles of your fist. 10 up-and-down strokes, then do the same to the next line (a bit closer to the center of the neck).

You could do it slowly; or quickly - in this case dont count anything, just spend 1-2 minutes on each side of the neck).

Feel free to massage in straight lines, as well as spirals, zig-zags, etc.

In case working on a dry skin feels uncomfortable, feel free to apply some cream, mask or oil.

* If knuckles feel uncomfortable, try the edge/side of the palm.

* If thats still uncomfortable, use palms.

(1:35) Gua sha. A good option for when hands get tired (use its flat edge).

(2:00) Vacuum cups. The same routine: we are doing 2 vertical lines on each side of the neck (5-10 up-and-down strokes per line).

(2:20) Summary. No matter the tool you are using, feel free to either:

* divide each side of the neck into 2 vertical lines and do 5-10 strokes on each;

* or just spend 1-2 minutes on each side of the neck doing any type of massage (or a mix of strokes, pinches, cups, anything).

2 weeks apart (women 60+)
These clients did these 90 seconds long stretches daily

1. Place 1 palm on the chest and pull the skin down. Point your chin up and forward (just make sure you dont tilt the head backwards). Stretch for 30 seconds.

(0:20) As an addition you could also use your tongue - by trying to reach the nose (you will notice that muscles in the double chin area begin to work, too).

2. Side of neck. Place the palm right under the clavicle and pull it diagonally down. Look behind the opposite shoulder. Stretch the side of the neck for 30 seconds (if you wish, you can add a tongue again). Repeat on the other side. (0:40)

(1:05) If you wish, you could do the stretches just by using your hands: one palm pulls the skin down, another one is in the double chin area and pulls the skin up. Keep the stretch for 30 seconds. Do the same on the sides of the neck, too.

Avoid doing these exarcises (couldnt even call them "stretches"), as there is no holding, so muscle cant really relax and feel the stretch, while 3rd example is making our muscle to work and contract even more (instead of helping it relax and stretch).

We are going to massage everything from clavicles to the chest.

1. In your head divide the whole area into 4 parts: right and left first, and then each of them into the upper and lower parts.

Lets start with the 1st part. Grab tissues at the center and begin to rub, massage them between fingers, gradually moving them to the side. Repeat this 5 times. And then do the same to other 3 parts.

Make sure you are not just pinching the skin, grab the tissues deeply.

First few massages might be painful.

Its easier to work with the opposite side, but you could also work with 2 hands or even on both sides at the same time.

If rubbing does not feel good, feel free to try any of these alternatives:

* knuckles (besides straight lines, you could also do spirals, zig-zags, etc.);

* if it still does not feel nice, try applying a cream, mask or oil;

* or work with your palm / its base / fingers.


2. Next. In your head divide the whole area into 3 vertical parts (central and 2 sides). And do the same thing: knead the tissues (from top to bottom or opposite), 5 times per part.

(2:50) - gua sha.

If your hands get tired, feel free to use gua sha (its convex part). Do the same straight lines from the center to the side, or divide them into even smaller sections (5 times per line / section).

(3:10) - vacuum cups.

* You can use vacuum cups, too. The routine is the same: move from center to the sides, 10 times per line.

* You can also use the suction: suck the tissues for 2-3 seconds, release.

* Or draw a "tree" using a smaller cup: we are starting at the cleavage and move up, then more to the side, to the armpits. 5-10 times per line.

(4:00) - summary.

You don't have to follow any of these rules, feel free to just randomly knead / rub / pinch the whole area for about 2 minutes, until it turns pink.

You can also use rollers or balls with spikes, whatever you want (for about 2 minutes, until tissues turn pink).

HUMP (2:39)

1. Hump. Grab all the tissues in this area and knead for 2 minutes (you could also rub in circles, pinch, etc.).

* (0:30) Neck. Additionally you could massage and stroke the neck, too. Using hands or gua sha (1:10) (the first few massages could end up with little red marks that last for 1-2 days). You can apply oil as well as do it on a dry skin.

* Vacuum cups. (1:30)

Apply some oil, take the biggest cup and start massaging the hump in circles (or up-and-down or side-to-side moves) for 1-2 minutes.

(2:05) Alternatively, you could use a smaller cup, too + its a better choice if you want to massage the neck, too.



1. How does back affect our appearance, puffiness, etc.?

2. Does neck really become shorter as we age? (no) (0:20)

3. How to make neck longer? (0:35)

4. Neck is a bridge (1:15)

5. The most enjoyable massage techniques (2:15)

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