(25 mins)
1. ANATOMY (15 min)

1. Myth: "wrinkles are a result of skin ageing"

2. Introduction to muscle that creates wrinkles on forehead (0:50)

3. How EXACTLY do wrinkles appear (0:55)

4. How to relax and make muscle smooth? 2 options (1:50)

5. The main task - getting rid of frowning habit (2:20)

6. "Friend" technique (2:50)

7. Math. For how many hours (per year) is our forehead kept in a contracted state? (while applying eye make up, for example) (4:10)

8. "But that's natural! I don't want to look frozen!" (4:50)

9. Client's case: wrinkles on 3 years old girls forehead (6:25)

10. Possible solutions (getting rid of habits / cosmetics / Botox) (7:05)

11. Botox side effects (8:50)

12. Face building. Helps or harms? (9:00)

13. Homework for the following week (10:55)

14. Summary. What are skin, muscles, lymph responsible for? (11:45)

2. ANALYSIS (10 mins)

1. How do wrinkles develop?

2. Basic forehead massage moves (1:45)

3. Rubbing wrinkles (3:45)

4. Alternatives (5:10)

5. Creative (6:30)

6. 7 levels of efficiency scale (8:15)

(if there are no wrinkles on your forehead - you dont need to massage it)

Put 3 fingers between your eyebrows, press hard, and then slowly move the fingers up to the hairline (or down from the hairline). Make sure to apply pressure, be firm, dont just stroke it. Then do the same above one and then another brow. Each line should take you at least 20 seconds. The most comfortable position is lying down, so that your head and neck don't have to resist the pressure.


Massage wont help if you continue to actively rise your eyebrows and dont try to get rid of this habit.

* Massage should be done in the evening, just before going to sleep (for 5-10 minutes).
Morning massage could be a waste of time, since there is a big chance you will raise your brows a few times during the day.
* The slower and longer is the massage, the more your forehead muscle will relax. So if you only have 1 minute, it is not enough.
* Dont just stroke, but do a proper, deep massage. "Rub" the forehead muscle against the forehead bone.
(would your tight back muscles relax if someone just stroked them gently?)

The most comfortable position is laying in bed.
If you do it in front of mirror and notice some folds and creases while massaging, dont worry, these are not "real" wrinkles, they wont stay or make your wrinkles any worse.
* If you get rid of the habits and perform the massage every day before going to sleep, your forehead will become smooth in ~3 weeks.
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