Course that answers all beauty questions
the way that even kids could understand
this is NOT just another rejuvenation or facebuilding school with hundreds of exercises
In the first place we are going to explore Skin and it's world, BUT (!)
- through EXCITING fairytales

Let's say our car broke and we went to the nearest car service. If we know nothing about the cars, mechanic could convince and sell us anything.

The same applies to the face. If we don’t know how it works, what it needs, etc., then beauty therapists, consultants could convince and sell us anything.

Why anatomy?
If we only learn a few exercises or some kind of massage technique or how to apply tapes - it does not make us independent
As soon as we see an ad of a new tool, cream, treatment or massager, the practical knowledge isn't going to help us, we won't be able to analyse and decide whether the new thing is effective, dangerous or just a waste of time and money. While new products and ads are becoming more and more tempting..
But if we know Skin, are familiar with it's anatomy at least a bit, we need just a couple of seconds to tell whether the new tool is any good and worth trying. We are no more going to loose hundreds or thousands on creams, treatments or gadgets that are just unable to help with whatever we want to work on
P.S. Of course, practical stuff is good, too. But we don't need tens of exercises, we only need 1-3 THE MOST effective ones (just like in sports: there could be hundreds of great athletes, but there can only be one CHAMPION)
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- There are loads of various creams and serums in your bathroom, but none of them got rid of a single line yet;
- Lost in all those myths and opinions, so decided to try all what you can (collagen drinks / supplements, facial rollers, etc.);
- Prefer buying more expensive products, so that chances of getting at least some sort of a result are higher;

- You see new ads of new products, massagers and treatments daily. How to stop buying all of them, how do we pick just the ones that actually work?

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- Have no idea which treatment to choose?
- You are aware that treatments do not guarantee a result and aren't able to fix everything;
- Scared of possible side effects (like drooping eyelids, "poker face", pigmentation, BURNS, etc.);
- Worried that your therapist won't say the truth and will just make you go ahead with the most expensive and not the most suitable treatment.

- Thinking of whether you should invest in: mesotherapy (~ 400 per year), biorevitalization (~ 800), SMAS lifting (~ 1500) or something else. And whether the price means something.


- You are using the same cream you used 20 years ago;
- You tried some new stuff, but it led to even more discomfort or even irritation, allergy, etc.
It only made things worse. Just a waste of money;
- Creams are full of chemicals! Thus, you are only using natural, organic oils or make your own skin care;
- You believe that good health and looks only depend on food you eat (although in doubt, as you know a few very healthy people who have flaky, unevenly coloured skin, a few wrinkles as well as irritation and/or acne);

- Well, at the end of the day our grannies did not use any creams or serums and were absolutely fine and stunning!



- Do you want to avoid the appearance of nasolabial folds, wrinkles on the forehead; Keep the jawline defined, cheeks lifted and eyes open;
- Not sure how to take care of skin (when and how / where to start taking care of skin), which products to buy, whether the price really matters, how necessary are facials, etc.;
- There are so many controversial opinions out there, so not sure who to listen to (who is right);
- Would love to avoid getting injections done (avoid the injections);

- Don't want to waste money, but even more to experiment with your face (and try various treatments). But time goes, we are not getting any younger, so waiting and doing nothing does not sound as a good idea, too.



- Can't decide whether to go for gua sha, microcurrents, roller or vacuum cups. And whether they are effective at all;
- Or you already bought a fancy tool.. But it has been the 5th year since it lies somewhere in your bathroom drawer;
- Not sure whether you should by a face exercises course, which one to choose and whether they can help at all;
- You already had an experience with face-building / various face massages and/or taping, but did not see any difference.. Or there was a very subtle one and not for long: as soon as you skipped a few days, it was all gone / the face looked just like before. So, all the efforts, time and money wasted;

- You heard that it's also necessary to work on neck, back, posture, diaphragm and what not, or there won't be any difference. Is it even worth starting then..


- You have no time to do tens of odd, boring moves every day + with no guarantee it will do anything at all;
- You can't remember the sequences, where to put your hands, which part of your face to relax, which to tense and how.. And it's worrying, because you heard that doing anything wrong "could make things even worse";

- Yikes, it's just not for me, all these silly creams, massages, facial exercises.. And how am I supposed to know which out of hundreds of methods to even choose.

After this module you'll know exactly:

- Where to start? - Which cream to buy? And will it smooth the wrinkles out? - Or should we use oils? - Or collagen? - And Sun: is it good or bad? - And why even 2 litres of water per day + MOISTURISING cream + eating well may still NOT help with dry, flaky skin; And how easy it is to fix.
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  • Why is even the most expensive cream just UNABLE to smooth out the lines? What's the point in using them then?
  • Do we really need all these cleansers, toners, creams and serums or are they just a marketing ploy?
  • Instead of buying 10 different jars for 1000 money and having 0 result, you'll know exactly which products to buy;
  • What's the difference between $5 and $100 creams?
  • Why are moisturising creams only helpful for a few minutes or hours in case of really dry, flaky Skin? And what to do instead?


  • Is Collagen really responsible for wrinkles?
  • Creams with Collagen do NOT have anti ageing properties. What do they do then?
  • And which 2-3 ingredients should be there instead, so that cream really works on keeping skin young for longer?
  • What should we eat, which creams should we use so that our body produces as much of its OWN Collagen as possible?

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  • What happens to Skin inhabitants when instead of a face cleanser we use soap bar or shower gel?
  • An unsuitable cleanser can turn a healthy, glowing Skin into dry, flaky and sensitive even if all the other creams and serums you have are expensive, high-quality products;
  • Test: how good is your cleanser?
  • What type of cleanser should we use: gel, foam or something else?
  • Is it OK to do a face massage with a cleanser on?
  • Korean double cleansing routine (2 step method). Does YOUR face need it? And if so, is it OK to use coconut or any other oil instead of a special (hydrophilic) oil or balm?
  • Toners. What's the point in using them?
  • Micellar water. What does it do?
  • Is it good or bad to make face squeaky clean?
  • The more oily skin is cleansed, the oilier it gets. Why?


  • Collagen supplements do NOT make wrinkles any more smooth. What do they do then?
  • When, why and how should Collagen supplements be used?
  • What happens in the body when we take Collagen?
  • How to avoid the most common mistakes and choose the best possible supplement?
  • Why do these supplements do magic to some people and nothing at all to others? Is it possible to predict the result?

4/5 OILS

  • Why it isn't a good idea to use oils instead of creams on a regular basis?
  • More often than not oils would make skin even more dry and flaky. Why?
  • Why is that some people’s Skin finds oils amazing, while others’ Skin does not like oils at all (becomes even more dry / flaky / sensitive, etc.)?
  • 7 cases when creams turn out to be better / more beneficial for Skin than any natural oil;
  • A few tips on how to use oils in skin care, so that its beneficial, and does no harm to the Skin.


  • CHEAT SHEETS (mini-lists of ingredients for various goals) will help you choose the best creams that will actually work.
  • Food is able to slow down ageing, too. A few simple tricks you could do, so that even your food is keeping you young for longer.
  • Why is that natural, handmade skin care products could actually make Skin feel and look even worse (more dry / flaky / irritated, etc.)?
  • We will DETOX your cosmetic bags and bathroom shelves.
  • Will get a PEN which job is to make sure that all the skin care products you are using are still effective;;
  • Examples of some handy apps that help to analyse skin care brands, ingredient lists; can be set to remind you to do a face massage or a mask; monitor expiry dates of your products, etc.
  • The most simple explanation of what "pH, acid and alkali" are and how is this knowledge helpful.
MODULE 1. part 2
After these lessons you'll know:
- When the sunscreen is really needed and when it's OK to go without;
- When a single application is enough and when it should be reapplied throughout the day;
And you'll need no more than a minute to choose the best sunscreen (without reading the ingredient list).
+ in case of pigmentation, you'll easily pick a cream that really is able to lighten the spots.
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  • Why does Skin tan in the Sun? And what happens in places where pigmentation appears?
  • Can Sun really make our Skin age faster, and does it do anything bad to our Collagen and Elastin?
  • Does Sun really make wrinkles appear?

  • 1-3 MAGICAL QUESTIONS for EVERYDAY use. By answering them you will instantly know whether Sun protection is needed and whether you'll need to reapply it or not.

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  • Do we really have to use a sunscreen EVERY day?
  • Tips for when you forget or just feel too lazy to apply it;
  • What does SPF mean? And which one should we choose (15, 30, 50 or 70)?
  • Is it true that the more tanned we get, the less protection we need?
  • Is it ok to replace sunscreen with oil?
  • Are sunscreens completely safe?
  • Does sunscreen interrupt a normal vitamin D synthesis?
  • Case study where one group`s skin aged by 24% more. Why?


  • How to identify and quickly pick the best sunscreen (so that it does not cause any allergies, is harmless for the nature, etc.)?
  • There is 1 single word that instantly tells us that the sunscreen is good;
  • Are kids sunscreens any different?

  • we will train our eyes and brain to the point, so that we can tell whether the sunscreen and/or whitening cream is effective or not by just finding 2-3 specific words on the tube.


  • Easy way to tell whether the chosen whitening cream is really able to make spots lighter or if it’s just a waste of time and money;
  • 4-step SYSTEM to reduce (lighten) existing spots.

  • CHEAT SHEETS with MINI-LISTS of ingredients, so that you don’t have to remember anything; just open it in your phone whenever you need to choose a cream that really is going to work. It'll save you money, time and nerves.
You will know why even a course of mesotherapy + biorevitalization + La Mer cream are just UNABLE to reduce wrinkles or puffiness.

While just one month later you could have a completely smooth forehead, without spending a penny on Botox or creams and without doing a single exercise. And it's not a miracle, it's anatomy.
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We will go through ALL types of massages (even professional) and ALL popular massagers.

Will see what each of them is capable of and know which one to choose in one or another case.

In ~ 1 hour you will know exactly HOW to massage so that you can finally SEE the result.

+ will get rid of fear of doing something wrong
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After this module you will be able to instantly determine whether any massage/technique is effective or not.
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according to my 7-level EFFECTIVENESS SCALE
(FOREHEAD: from champion to useless and harmful exercises)
Thus, this little bonus module is like ~20 courses together..

But NOT in terms of a huge collection of 1000 of exercises.

Instead, it's like mini-collection of the MOST EFFECTIVE and SIMPLE techniques ❤

How not to get lost in all these NEW methods?
Do you know the myth about the earth where it is supported by 4 elephants that stand on the back of a turtle?

So: face building, taping, gua sha and all other methods and types of massages are all ELEPHANTS.

They are all based on 1 scheme, on ~10 basic lines, they have the same foundation.

But we keep running from one elephant to another..

While we only need to learn the basics / foundation (the TURTLE), to be able to understand any elephant.

So. There is no more need to try one method, then another.. Instead, we can just simply learn the basics

A SCHEME, that will allow you to do any massage, with any massager
BASIC SCHEME (3-5 minutes)

12 lines - that's all you need to do a complete, full facial drainage.

+ it could be done by hands, as well as any tool or massager (gua sha, roller or even an orange).

Actually, no matter the massager (even if it's the newest of all), we will still have to use the same lines in order to get the best possible results. Because face, it's anatomy are set.

Express schemes (1-2-3 lines)
So that even when you ONLY have 20-60 seconds, you know exactly what to do to support and keep your favourite areas (jawline / nasolabial folds / eyelids or anything else) as smooth and lifted as possible.
+ PICTURE for the bathroom
so that the whole scheme, all the 12 lines are always here for you


so that all 12 lines are always at your fingertips (in your phone).
After this module you will be able to easily and quickly pick yourself a treatment that will finally give a NOTICEABLE result without any side effects (so no more money and time wasted)

Just ~ 1 hour and you know the answer to any of these questions:
Should you book mesotherapy or biorevitalization? PRP? Or maybe some sort of machine? For £200 or £1200? What's the difference? What's more effective? And safe? Could it be too "early" for a treatment? Or too "late"?

I will go through all popular treatments and explain how each of them works, what's the difference and which one to choose in one or another case and why.
- Why is not a single machine able to reduce wrinkles or puffiness? What do they do then?

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Is it true that the sooner we get injections done, the longer our face stays wrinkle-free?

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1. Skin
  • ✅ Module 1 (skin & cosmetics)
  • ✅ Module 2 (wrinkles & puffiness; NO eye & brain training)
  • Module 3 (massage & massagers + eye & brain training)
  • Module 4 (machines & injections)
Get 2 modules!
2. Massage
  • ✅ Module 1 (skin & cosmetics)
  • ✅ Module 2 (wrinkles & puffiness)
  • ✅ Module 3 (massage & massagers + eye & brain training)
  • Module 4 (machines & injections)
Get 3 modules!
3. Treatments
  • ✅ Module 1 (skin & cosmetics)
  • ✅ Module 2 (wrinkles & puffiness)
  • ✅ Module 3 (massage & massagers + eye & brain training)
  • ✅ Module 4 (machines & injections)
Buy all 4 modules!

At the age of 19 I noticed puffiness under my eyes. I first bought quite an expensive cream (I thought: the more expensive, the more effective it is). But very soon I realised that cosmetics has no effect. Then I listened to controversial opinions of various therapists. Internet was (and is) full of solutions and recipes that even sound silly. So I decided to study the face; study its every cell, every muscle (the same way I once became a Personal trainer to understand what are the most effective exercises, what is actually healthy to eat and what is just a myth).
- Traveled 8 countries, learned over 20 face massage techniques;
- Went to College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM, London) to study how nutrition affects our skin and its ageing;
- Founded Facial Gym® (London, 2013). There are no needles, cosmetic products or any machines in the treatment room;
- Treatments target all 5 facial structures (muscles, bones, skin, blood and lymph vessels);
- Worked on more than 2000 faces, had over 14000 hours of practice;
- All "Before and After" results are achieved in 5-30 minutes;
- Facial Gym gets "Top Rated" status on Treatwell every year;
- Workshops and seminars are held in London and Moscow.
Instagram blog in English: @facialgym
Instagram blog in Russian: @burayaalina
Founder of Facial Gym®
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